20 julio 2006

Let´s rock

Tomorrow I´m going 10 days to the Rockies... Yahooooooooo!!!!
So, I guess I won´t be able to blogger anything until my return to Vancouver...

Yes, I know... Sometimes it seems the only goal of this kind of post is to grow in you some kind of envy. And you know what? You are rignt! ;-))))))

By the way, If you don´t have any notice about me in the next 15 days, call up the Spanish Embassy in Canada. I could have been wolfed down by a cute-big beer..... ( I´m not kidding)

Let´s rock!!!!

1 comentario:


Como tu yo también soy una de esas leyendas urbanas de las que habla nuestro presidente. Estoy en Galicia currando si te apetece puedes darte una vuelta por mi página ELTRISKEL.BLOGSPOT.COM